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Belgian King Expresses Deepest Regrets

POV Truck Drive from Liège to Antwerp: From Heavy Rain to Sunshine | 4K Journey

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2025-03-04 55:27 19,521 Youtube

Worst Drivers of the Day Part 11

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2025-03-12 00:50 21,232 Youtube

Pulled Pork in record time #bbq #recipe #grilling

Upload : 1 day ago...

2025-03-12 00:32 3,234 Youtube

Belgium king expresses 'deepest regrets' over Africa colonialism

For the first time in the country's history, King Philippe acknowledged that acts of violence and cruelty were committed and the wounds are still raw in what is...

2020-06-30 05:10 2 Dailymotion

Belgian king expresses 'deepest regrets' over DR Congo colonial past

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2022-06-09 01:35 3 Dailymotion

Belgian king expresses 'deepest regrets' to Congolese over brutal colonial rule

Visit our website:http://www.france24.comLike us on Facebook: us on Twitter:

2022-06-09 07:19 3 Dailymotion

King of Belgium expresses regrets for colonial 'cruelty' in Congo

King of Belgium expresses 'deepest regrets' for 'acts of violence and cruelty' inflicted during colonial rule in Congo....

2020-07-01 02:59 29 Dailymotion

Belgian king reiterates regrets for colonial past in Congo

Philippe also offered a traditional mask of the Suku people to Congo's national museum that has been held for decades by Belgium's Royal Museum for Central Afri...

2022-06-08 04:17 5 Dailymotion